Extreme weight loss of 5-10 pounds in a week at home

Extreme weight loss is a popular, but rather dangerous, method of rapid weight loss, which requires strong willpower and is accompanied by severe limitations.

A hard process suitable only for healthy people is associated with a sudden change in diet and increased physical activity, and in addition to the desired loss of 10-15 kg of excess weight within a week, can lead to indigestion, dysbiosis and other serious pathologies. body.

Definition of extreme weight loss

Extreme weight loss is an alternative method of losing unnecessary weight, which allows you to lose weight by 5-10 kg in a short time.Sudden weight loss methods, fraught with serious health problems, are only intended for emergencies that require the body to return to lost harmony within a few days.

Before and after extreme weight loss in a week at home

The treatment, accompanied by physical exercise, abrupt reduction in diet and constant feeling of hunger, makes it possible to remove accumulated water and excess fat from the body by activating the principle of autophagy, which makes cells seek the energy necessary fortheir vital activity in lysosomes that have accumulated a large amount of fat.

Extreme weight loss is not always a short-term diet, as this technique can take up to 30 days. , but always a difficult and very dangerous event that can cause significant damage to the body.

The essence of the mechanism of extreme weight loss lies in the rapid and abrupt reduction of daily calorie intake in order to artificially cause their insufficiency and increase physical activity, forcing cells to intensively break down the fat deposits that have accumulated in the body.

Who is forbidden to lose weight like that

Extreme weight loss refers to very harsh weight loss techniques that are prohibited for:

  • people with pathologies of the stomach and digestive system.
  • people with metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • children under 18;
  • people suffering from mental and nervous disorders.

High intensity training

Extreme weight loss in a week requires a full and hard load on the body with physical exercises. For fast weight loss, not only intensified, but exhausting workouts appear that can negatively affect your health.

Running in the morning for an hour will help you lose weight in a week

To burn 1 kg of fat per day, a person needs:

  • walk at least 150 km on foot.
  • run at a speed of 10 km / h for 14-15 hours.
  • 30 hours of intensive aerobics.
  • spend 24 hours on a stationary bike or ellipsoids.

Approximate physical activity program for 1 day:

Time period Load
In the morning on an empty stomach. Charge and run at 10 km / h for at least 1 hour.
30-40 minutes after eating. Spend 1. 5 hours exercising on a cardiovascular machine or ellipsoids.
30 minutes after lunch (afternoon). 1 hour strength training.
After 17-18 hours 1, 5 hours of intense dancing, aerobics, swimming in the pool, cross-country skiing or cycling. You can choose an activity according to your preferences.
At 20-21 hours 1 hour outdoor hiking.

Such a program will be practically impossible for people who have not been involved in sports for a long time, as even trained muscles with a similar loading program will simply not have time to recover in time.

Tired muscles will ache and swell constantly and to the pain will be added dizziness, tachycardia, headache and increased blood pressure, until the onset of a heart attack.

Pharmacy products

Medications help to speed up the metabolism, as well as to completely cleanse the body of feces and excess water.

Insulin injections

The introduction of additional doses of insulin into the blood is indicated for people with diabetes to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. In addition, insulin also suppresses appetite and causes cells to break down their own fats instead of carbohydrates.

Insulin injections are an effective but dangerous method of rapid weight loss

Such a technique used for weight loss is quite effective, but also quite dangerous, as insulin taken from abroad inhibits the production of its own hormone, reducing a person's overweight and also causing the development of diabetes.

Sleeping pills

This method of weight loss is called "Sleeping Beauty" and consists of a one-time daily meal. The rest of the time, a person suffering from hunger should take sleeping pills and sleep.

The developed technique is very effective, allowing you to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, as well as cause overdose of sleeping pills, muscle atrophy and complete exhaustion of the body.

Diet pills

Specialized weight loss drugs help to start the process of breaking down fat in the body and suppress the appetite, causing a severe calorie deficit that can lead to rapid weight loss.

Such drugs should be taken only under the supervision of a physician and not more than 2-3 times a day. The pills are taken according to the instructions, as self-administration can cause metabolic disorders and drug addiction.

In addition, side effects from taking the medication include increased heart rate, chest pain and sudden rises in blood pressure.

Ipecac syrup

Emetic root tincture helps to cleanse the stomach after severe poisoning and before emergency surgery. The drug that causes severe vomiting is allowed to be taken once and only under the supervision of a doctor, but with excellent weight loss, the use of syrup on a continuous basis is indicated.

The drug taken after a meal allows you to cleanse the stomach 100%, thus quickly leading to weight loss, but completely destroys the beneficial intestinal microflora, causing the development of discomfort.


Thai diet pills, which contain worms in eggs, introduce a parasite into the human body, which contributes to the poisoning of the body and reduces excess weight. As they grow, the strips eat up fat stores as well as food that enters the body but at the same time disrupts the work of the internal organs.

It turns out that it removes the film from the body after 3 months, through drugs.

Diuretics and laxatives

Rapid weight loss can be achieved with increased intake of diuretics and laxatives that remove excess fluid from the body. In addition to losing up to 10 pounds, this technique also leads to vigorous flushing of minerals from the body and dehydration, and also causes sharp jumps in blood pressure.

Consumption of diuretic teas should not exceed 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course. Do not increase the dose of the medication yourself.

Adhesive slimming tape

Clay film is considered to be an extremely effective way to help not only remove excess water from the body, but also to correct the volume of the shape.

A thermal vacuum under the skin, a film:

  • activates sweating.
  • removes excess water from the body along with dirt and toxins.
  • improves blood circulation.
  • when combined with a fat burning cream, it helps to saturate the tissues with useful micronutrients.

There are 2 different wrapping methods:

  • Warm-up, which creates a sauna effect.
  • Cold, requiring the body to expend extra energy on increased heating of a part of the body.
Membrane wrapping promotes fat burning in the problem area

The membrane, which is wrapped in 3 layers, should adhere tightly to the skin, but not press, injuring the capillaries. You can wear such a compress for about 15 minutes, supplementing it with warm clothes and fat burning ointment or anti-cellulite.

To enhance the effect of membrane compression, as well as to promote the elimination not only of excess water from the body, but also the breakdown of fat masses, active physical exercises, which begin after the application of the membrane in the body, will help. Such a compression will allow you to quickly regain your shape, improve the condition of the skin and smooth out the formed cellulite.

Special treatments

Extreme weight loss in a week is possible thanks to surgical techniques that allow you to lose excess weight in a few days, but can lead to serious health problems.

Stomach belt

Such an operation is performed under general anesthesia in a special clinic and consists in the formation of a special section in the stomach that can hold no more than 30 g of food.

As a result of this process, the daily amount of food consumed is significantly reduced, there is a calorie deficit and rapid weight loss occurs. This technique is recommended for obese people and in most cases has no side effects.


An aesthetic technique that helps pump subcutaneous adipose tissue from problem areas through small tubes inserted into a perforation. In a procedure performed under general anesthesia, the surgeon destroys the fatty tissue and then removes it from the body, reducing the excess weight and restoring the shape.

Weight loss with this technique is possible from 7 to 10 kg, but the recovery period after surgery can last up to 4 weeks.

What to eat

Rapid weight loss is impossible without an artificial calorie deficit achieved through dietary restriction. Foods chosen for emergency weight loss should have minimal energy value, but not harm the body and also contain trace elements necessary to maintain health.

The diet should include:

The diet Sample menu
Protein food that helps maintain muscle mass during a period of dramatic weight loss.
  • Boiled chicken or turkey fillet,
  • cod;
  • pollock?
  • lean cheese;
  • egg whites.
Complex carbohydrates that saturate the body with energy for a long time.
  • Buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • pearl barley.
Simple carbohydrates (not more than 20% of the total diet).
  • Fruit?
  • berries.
Vegetables that provide the body with fiber. Any root vegetables except potatoes.
Sources of fatty acids.
  • Flaxseed and olive oil;
  • avocado;
  • NUTS;
  • fatty fish.

The following are completely excluded from the diet:

  • any fatty, fried and smoked foods;
  • sweets and bakery products;
  • fizzy drinks;
  • salt and sugar;
  • canned foods;
  • animal fats: butter and margarine.
Foods that need to be eliminated from the diet to lose weight fast

They are also limited in their use as much as possible:

  • egg yolks (not more than 2 per day).
  • hard cheese;
  • sunflower oil.

Compliance with the alcohol consumption regime

Extraordinary weight loss in a week is impossible without strict adherence to the alcohol consumption regime. As water is the basis of the human body for rapid weight loss and cleansing, about 2 liters of pure water should be consumed daily.

Healthy alcohol consumption regimen for emergency weight loss in a week

This technique will not only allow you to quickly activate metabolic processes, but also fight hunger, and will also help maintain health while losing weight dramatically.

Adherence to the alcohol consumption diet:

  • prevents blood viscosity, which slows down weight loss.
  • activates metabolism.
  • will help remove toxins, toxins and unnecessary salts from the body.

Many diets for emergency weight loss, in addition to adhering to the regime of alcohol consumption, may also contain days of fasting, during which they are allowed to drink only water that cleanses the body properly.

Hard diets

Extreme weight loss in a week requires a person to refuse food as much as possible, as well as to accept only the permitted food in the body. Complete rejection of food is considered the most effective for drastic weight loss, forcing the body to experience intense stress and intensively process the accumulated fat deposits.

Avoiding food is the most effective technique for extreme weight loss

This way, you can get rid of about 1 kg during the day, but then the weight will stop, as fluid loss is almost over and for further weight loss, the body needs to get rid of subcutaneous fat, thewhich needs much more.

In this case, extreme diets based on crushing the amount of carbohydrates consumed and allowing you to lose up to 10 pounds of weight per week will help.

Low calorie diet

It is designed for 3 days, during which the body must gradually get rid of 5 kg of excess weight and consists of using only low-calorie foods with a large amount of fluid.

The diet Menu
  • 1 dried loaf;
  • 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese.
  • grapefruit;
  • a glass of green tea.
  • Green vegetable salad with a spoonful of flaxseed.
  • 100 grams of goat cheese.
  • chamomile tea.
  • 100 grams of boiled pencil with cabbage salad.
  • Tea.


The diet in this case consists of a central product (apples, buckwheat) which is consumed within 3 days. In addition to the main course, add about 2 liters of water and green tea.

One of the options for such a mono-diet is the popular diet, which consists of a 7-day meal that replaces 1-1, 5 liters of low-fat kefir.

English diet

The explicit method is based on a diet with cereals, milk, eggs, vegetables and beans, popular in the UK, with the complete temporary elimination of complex carbohydrates from the diet. Unlike other methods of sudden weight loss, such a diet does not harm the body and allows you to get rid of 3 extra pounds in 5 days.

A distinctive feature of the English diet is also considered to be the sufficient ease of preparation and the complete elimination of salt.

Such a diet begins with 2 days of fasting, during which you are allowed to drink only mineral water without gas and green tea in an amount of up to 2 liters. During the fasting days, the body gradually removes the accumulated toxins, toxins and salts from itself and also reduces the volume of the stomach.

1st day
  • Oatmeal in water.
  • a cup of green tea.
  • Chicken broth with whole grain bread.
  • Tea.
  • A slice of white bread with butter.
  • tea.
2nd day
  • Oatmeal in water.
  • green tea.
  • 2 wholemeal bread toasts with butter.
  • Black tea.
  • Green apples.
3rd day
  • Toast with jam and tea.
  • 100 grams of boiled chicken with broth.
  • Boiled beans;
  • green tea.
4th day
  • Oatmeal in water.
  • Black tea.
  • 3 eggs, cooked in a bag.
  • Pears.
5th day
  • Sandwich with butter and hard cheese.
  • tea.
  • 100 grams of boiled fish with vegetable salad.
  • Peeled potatoes?
  • tea.

Dry fasting

A strict diet that can negatively affect the soul, based on a full fast of 1-4 days without the ability to drink fluids.

The process, which is considered the basis of some body cleansing methods, is based on the human body's ability to receive the calories it needs from the garbage that accumulates in the lysosomes, which allows you to break down and remove from the body not only fat masses, but also dead cells.

People who practice the technique note the possibility of removing up to 10-15 kg of excess weight during the fasting period, as well as rejuvenating the body. Critics point out that in addition to the benefits, such a diet also leads to severe exhaustion and loss of not only fat but also muscle fiber.

In addition, in severe cases, with prolonged fasting and water refusal, an untrained person may develop ketoacidosis coma, leading to death.

Enema fasting technique

Urgent weight loss, which requires a person not only to abstain completely from eating any food, but also to perform daily cleansing enemas.

Before the onset of fasting, 3 days of preparation is required, at the beginning of which meat and fish foods are removed from the diet and only dairy products remain. After the set period, you should take saline solution to rid the body of food debris and start fasting, which lasts 1-4 days.

You can drink up to 2 liters of water daily, as well as throughout the diet:

  • you can not take any medicine.
  • you need to clean your stomach and intestines daily.

In addition to fasting:

  • You should do breathing and self-massage exercises every day.
  • walk at least 6 km.
Daily breathing exercises will help you lose weight in a week

Exit from fasting should be smooth. First, dairy foods are included in the diet and only then are they allowed to include meat and fish dishes.

Real expert advice

Weekly extreme weight loss, according to experts, is considered quite dangerous and is used in extremely rare cases with a technique that can greatly harm the body. It is permissible to exercise such weight loss no more than once every six months, provided that the person is healthy, well and there are no contraindications.

As being overweight does not appear immediately, but over time, its reduction should also be gradual, accompanied by a transition to proper nutrition, supplemented by active physical activity.

Nutritionists also advise you to refrain from taking Thai pills and large amounts of sleeping pills that will help you lose weight.

For abrupt weight loss in the absence of contraindications, experts allow:

  • fast for 3 days, with the obligatory use of large amounts of water and a smooth exit from the diet.
  • Exercise fasting days, helping to get rid of 1 kg of excess weight.
  • use mono-diet in kefir, buckwheat porridge or watermelon, lasting 5 days.
  • Get active in sports, but do not torture your body with physical exercise, as well as give the muscles the necessary time to recover.
  • apply the effect of the bath or sauna, rinsing off excess water from the body.

The difficulties of emergency weight loss will be completely in vain after returning to the normal diet, therefore, according to nutritionists, the only way to lose weight smoothly and maintain its results will be to switch to the right diet with complete rejection of the draft. food.

Extreme weight loss is a sudden loss of weight accompanied by serious risks, which is allowed for use only in emergencies.

Rapid weight loss, accompanied by intense hunger, high level of activity, although it allows you to get rid of 10-15 kg in a week, is fraught with serious health risks, as well as many unpleasant and often quite painful sensations.